Journals - Extended Articles

Paul & GalatiansInitially I planned to write more volumes in the series 'Explorations in Theology' but decided that I would approach the writing more dynamically and write, topic-wise, on various theological, biblical and practical issues through an extended article response. The 'journals' align with the four books with a number of them providing background to the books or extending themes that were approached in the books.

Volume 1: Paul's Gospel in Galatians.

I chose the Galatian letter to be the first volume (February 2023) is very direct and I consider that Paul responding with passion reveals the heart of his Gospel. Jesus is the centre, there has been a deliverance from the powers; Israel had also been under the powers hence the cross is first for Israel's deliverance so that there can be a 'new Israel', one not defined at all by ethnicity but by faith. The death of Jesus has shifted everything so that nothing can be judged from the past, even the law has to be judged by the coming of Christ. Radical and to the point!

Volume 2: Understanding Transitions.

This second volume (April 2023) takes a practical approach. All of life involves making transitions, some of which we experience without even noticing, but there are major transitions that often come when we least expect them and often not as a result of a direct choice.

I seek to plot how best to negotiate those transitions - both at a personal and a corporate level.